Tapas Route “Coria Encueros”

The rediscovery of the world of flavours and aromas of Extremadura’s pastures.

Several catering establishments of the City of Coria bring to you the best of bar snacks prepared from Iberian pork.

A fascinating culinary tourism event organised by the City Council of Coria that invites the locals and visitors to appreciate the popular skewers and tapas made with fried pork skin in the form of pickled pork rind called “cueritos”, or crispy pork scratchings without the fat attached, or the typical “chicharrones”, pork cracklings which still have the fat attached. These delicious appetisers of the ancient traditional recipe are perfect to be relished in small bites. The fantastic weekend is infused with unique sensations and flavours of the local food paired with excellent wines and beers. It encourages you to learn to truly enjoy this amazing tapas culture of our country, which is synonymous with making great memories with friends and family, through this delicious culinary adventure while exploring interesting destinations.


Index card

Location: Historic Centre and Urban Area
Municipio: 10800 Coria (Cáceres)
Phone: 927 50 80 00 – Ext. 290.
Email: oficinaturismo@coria.org
Web: www.gastronomia.coria.org
Silueta Ciudad de Coria