Origins of Coria’s Prison

Nothing remains today of what were the correctional facilities in the City of Coria, as revealed by the current royal ownership record of the old Royal Prison (Cárcel Real) built over other former jails when, in the early 16th century, the Catholic Monarchs enforced an extensive construction in all important places of the kingdom of Castile: the foundation of their Councils and Prisons. From the old, dilapidated building and its inadequate condition for the exclusive role that it once fulfilled, emerged this splendid prison building that demonstrates the harsh prison life of that era.


Index card

Location: Royal Prison (Historic Centre)
Address: Calle de las Monjas, 2
Municipality: 10800 Coria (Cáceres)
Phone: 927 50 80 00 – Ext 250
Web site:
Silueta Ciudad de Coria