Procession of Blessed Virgin Mary of Fair Love (Palm Sunday)

Procession of the Mother of Christ who is always a mother, but above all, a symbol of Love.

A prophetic proclamation that turns into utmost silence well into the night of Palm Sunday. At that moment, the female Confraternity of Blessed Virgin Mary of Fair Love invites the public to join them in the penitential procession alongside the Mother of God, who witnesses the martyrdom of her Son on the Cross with distressing tranquillity, until the early hours of the morning of Holy Monday, flooding the streets of the Historic Centre and Urban Area of the City of Coria with silence.

These women, dressed in long maroon tunics fitted with white shoulder capes bearing the Cross of Saint James and wearing white gloves and cords, commemorate all the mothers of the world devoted to the care of their children, in memory of the Mother of Christ who is always a mother, but above all, a symbol of Love.


Index card

Location: Historic Centre and Urban Area
Municipality: 10800 Coria (Cáceres)
Phone: 927 50 80 00 – Ext. 290.
Silueta Ciudad de Coria